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      Беспроводная клавиатура BLUETOOTH WEDGE MOBILE RUS U6R-00017 MS Keyboard Microsoft Wedge Mobile Bluetooth (U6R-00017)

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Беспроводная клавиатура BLUETOOTH WEDGE MOBILE RUS U6R-00017 MS Keyboard Microsoft Wedge Mobile Bluetooth (U6R-00017)

Беспроводная клавиатура BLUETOOTH WEDGE MOBILE RUS U6R-00017 MS Keyboard Microsoft Wedge Mobile Bluetooth (U6R-00017)

Description in English:

A perfectly portable companion for your tablet. The new, ultra-slim Wedge Mobile Keyboard was designed for Windows 7 and Windows 8 tablet users who are constantly on the go. (It also works with iPad and most Android devices.) Its thin, lightweight design makes it easy to carry, while the full-sized, soft-touch keyset provides a comfortable, efficient typing experience that makes creating long emails and documents a breeze.
An ideal balance of form and function. The Wedge Mobile Keyboard has a minimalistic yet thoughtful design that gives you exactly what you need and nothing more. The durable keyboard cover not only protects your device from scratches, but also quickly converts into a tablet stand, allowing you to work or watch movies. When you’re done, simply snap the cover back on the keyboard to power it down before you stash it in your bag or backpack. It’s as portable—and easy—as that.
We also built in some of the most useful commonly used features, such as Windows 8 hotkeys, to give you a quick and convenient way to search, switch between windows, and more. The keyboard also has built-in media keys, making it easy to control music and videos.
Bluetooth technology eliminates cable and transceiver. Wedge Mobile Keyboard uses Bluetooth technology, allowing you to wirelessly connect to your tablet without a cable or transceiver. For the ultimate clutter-free mobile workstation, combine the Wedge Mobile Keyboard with the Wedge Mobile Mouse.

Полное описание Keyboard Microsoft Wedge Mobile Bluetooth (U6R-00017)
Наличие Bluetooth Yes
Windows 8 Yes
Windows 7 Yes
MacOS Yes
Android Yes
Windows RT Yes
Wireless Yes
Язык клавиатуры ENG/RUS
Наличие Bluetooth Yes
Частота работы по инфракрасному порту 2,4 GHz
Wireless range
Батарея AAA x2
Вес батареи 23г
Размер Keyboard: 257x101x20.8mm Cover/Stand: 264x134x13.9mm
Количество штук в мастер-кейсе 1
Объем 0.00248м3
Вес без упаковки 0.443кг
Вес в упаковке 0.86кг
Ссылка на сайт производителя http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/en-us/p/wedge-mobile-keyboard#details

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