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    Внешние жесткие диски 3.5"
      Внешний жесткий диск USB3 8TB EXT. BLACK STDT8000200 Seagate

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Внешний жесткий диск USB3 8TB EXT. BLACK STDT8000200 Seagate

Внешний жесткий диск USB3 8TB EXT. BLACK STDT8000200 Seagate

Description in English:

Seagate Backup Plus, easy backup for your digital life on your computer, mobile devices and the cloud.
The Seagate Backup Plus desktop drive simplifies backup for consumers who want to help protect their entire digital life locally, in the cloud, from mobile devices or from social networks. Via the Seagate Dashboard, use the Protect function to set up a one-click plan or schedule your automatic local backup. Keep multiple copies of your files in case disaster strikes. Install the free Seagate Mobile Backup app on an iOS or Android mobile device to back up all of the pictures and videos from the device to the drive or the cloud. Back up mobile devices via a WiFi connection while at home, or use services like Dropbox or Google
Drive while on-the-go, away from home.
With the Save feature, user-generated content can be backed up from your favorite social network sites. Capture a memory, post it on a social networking site and let the Seagate Dashboard automatically back up any content posted, even photos that you are tagged in. The Share feature allows multiple files to be uploaded to social networks at once from your computer. Simply select files to upload, choose where to post them and even add comments. Managing your social profile has never been easier. Install the pre-loaded NTFS driver for Mac, and use the drive interchangeably between Windows and Mac® computers without reformatting the drive.

Модель HDD Backup Plus
Объем накопителя на жестком диске 8TB
Наличие USB 3.0 Yes
Форм-фактор 3,5"
Аксессуары в комплекте Seagate Dashboard pre-loaded on drive, NTFS driver for Mac pre-loaded on drive, 4-foot USB 3.0 cable, Power adapter, Quick start guide
Цвет Black
Размер 179.4x118.1x41.5mm
Объем 0.003864м3
Вес без упаковки 0.86кг
Вес в упаковке 1.54кг
Ссылка на сайт производителя http://www.seagate.com/gb/en/external-hard-drives/desktop-hard-drives/backup-plus-desk/

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