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      Клавиатура + мышка COMFORT 3400 RUS BLACK SV-03103400WB SVEN

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Клавиатура + мышка COMFORT 3400 RUS BLACK SV-03103400WB SVEN

Клавиатура + мышка COMFORT 3400 RUS BLACK SV-03103400WB SVEN

Description in English:

SVEN Company presented a wireless set: SVEN Сomfort 3400 Wireless keyboard mouse. Besides the above-listed advantages, this set has several features, which turn it into a real titbit. For the production of the device the energy-efficient wireless technology is used, which allow its operation within approximately half a year with one set of batteries. A computer mouse has 800/1200/1600 dpi resolution. Therefore, the manipulator does both for games and for the office work. Additional navigation buttons (forward and backward) of the mouse allow quick flitting through the pages in an internet-browser. Eight shortcut keys to Multimedia and Internet applications located on the keyboard lighten the work of a user who uses a PC or notebook. With their help you will be able to start an internet-browser or e-mail, playback sound content, etc. The device proper has a classic two-unit design. The mouse is connected automatically, for this a USB nanoreceiver should be inserted into a vacant USB port only. No matching of a receiver with the manipulator is required.

Наличие USB Yes
Windows 8 Yes
Windows 7 Yes
Windows XP Yes
Windows Vista Yes
Частота работы по инфракрасному порту 2,4 GHz
Ссылка на сайт производителя http://www.sven.fi/ru/catalog/keyboard/comfort_3400.htm

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