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  Безопасность и видеонаблюдение
    Умный дом и автоматизация
      Умное домашнее устройство FIBARO 56.5x73.2mm FGT-001ZW5RU5 (FGT-001 ZW5 RU5)

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Умное домашнее устройство FIBARO 56.5x73.2mm FGT-001ZW5RU5 (FGT-001 ZW5 RU5)

Умное домашнее устройство FIBARO 56.5x73.2mm FGT-001ZW5RU5 (FGT-001 ZW5 RU5)

Description in English:
The FIBARO Heat Controller
The most intelligent thermostat. Ever.
Innovative room analysis algorithm and color control
Simplicity combined with technology is the key to revolution. Based on the cubic capacity of your room, our thermostatic radiator head, calculates how much time it takes to reach the temperature you want. Moreover, the current temperature is indicated by the appropriate ring color. You no longer have to read the temperature on poor displays. Try, set your temperature and discover the color language.

•  to be installed on three types of valves: M30 x 1.5, Danfoss RTD-N and Danfoss RA-N,
• compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave+ Controller,
• supports Z-Wave network Security Modes: S0 with AES-128 encryption and S2 with PRNG-based encryption,
• built-in battery recharged through standard micro-USB port,
• easy installation - no tools required,
• can use a dedicated temperature sensor - FGBRS-001,
• supports heating schedules,
• automatic calibration,
• anti-freeze function,
• decalc function,
• unconstrained rotation spherical knob to set desired temperature.
Размер 56.5x73.2mm
Объем 0
Вес без упаковки 0.10
Вес в упаковке 1
Ссылка на сайт производителя www.fibaro.com/en/products/the-heat-controller/

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